Improving academics performance

  • Date: Apr 21, 2022
  • Time: 11:45 AM - 01:15 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: University of Konstanz
  • Room: PZ1001
  • Host: IMPRS
  • Contact:
Improving academics performance

“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Improving academics performance

I - Raising mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to a quality of attention, in which you focus on being present in the moment in a non-judgmental state. It is one of the leading evidence-based practices for enhancing mental resilience and improving performances under distress.

Improving academics performance is a practical, experiential, and participatory class.

Participants are expected to take part in three 90-minute session once per week, practice at home, and share their experiences in the sessions.

In this workshop, participants will acquire and practice tools from neuroscience, positive and social psychology which foster self-enhancing resilience and competency.

The workshop is designed to improve participants’ well-being by offering coping strategies specifically for the challenges of academic life.

The rationale is to go through the process of first understanding how to practice attention and awareness, then participants learn to accept themselves. After that, the emphasis is on how to create change by breaking the automatic conditions and biases that produce mental suffering and by replacing the mind traps with beneficial mental attitudes. All in the purpose of cultivating behaviours that reflect our values.

Phase I : Practicing attention and awareness

Session #1: Introduction to the workshop and the mindfulness concepts: The background, science, applications and outcomes of mindfulness.

Practice: mindful eating, mindful breathing.

Session #2 : Attention and the brain, monotasking and how to better focus: Neuroscience and the nature of attention, executive functions, and regulation.

Practice: Exercises for extending focused-attention; mindful movement and yoga.

Session #3 : Coping with negative thoughts, self-doubts and imposter syndrome: How to recognize cognitive biases, and how to cope with ruminating thoughts.

Practice: Awareness to thoughts; Cognitive Defusion; Embodiment of thoughts and feelings.


Dr. Ori Harel

Is an educational-psychologist, specializing in mental resilience and well-being of the academic community. Having worked as a researcher and with researchers, Ori now gives international workshops for academics. Her PhD focused on therapeutic factors and change processes in group counseling, which she now applies to increase mental resilience and happiness despite pandemic challenges.

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