Small grants applications

If you or a group of IMPRS doctoral students would like financial support for an event, please put together a mini-application for the funds addressed to the IMPRS board. For any questions and to process your proposal please get in touch with the IMPRS coordinator.
Within this proposal make sure to include the following:
- Application for event sponsorship:
- Background info:
- Who is organizing:
- Where /When:
- How would this be advantageous for our program and Universität Konstanz in general?
- Budget: including
- Who do you have providing other sponsorship?
- How active you have been to find other sources of funding?
- Diversity statement
- Deadline September/October of the year before the funding is required for large event applications
- for smaller project grants, please apply by 15th February, 15th of June and 15th of October
What can be purchased with these funds?
MPG-IMPRS funds can only be used for what falls under „individual qualification purposes“. This means the IMPRS doctoral students cannot use the money to „donate“ it to their field partners or pay for staff at the field station or contribute to any other running costs of a fieldsite. Likewise, the purchase of material (drone, camera, diving material etc.) doesn’t qualify as „individual qualification“. Material should always be provided by MPIAB/UniKN scientific budget.
If while staying at the fieldsite abroad the IMPRS funds, if granted additionally through the small grant application scheme can be used for such purposes: travel, accommodation, training/workshops, medical costs (diving certificate) at the fieldsite.
Note that you have to apply for the grant beforehand and be awarded it before the payments can be covered.