IMPRS Board Members
Senior Board Members
Prof. Dr. Meg Crofoot
IMPRS Board MemberIMPRS Faculty
Managing Director
I am a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary anthropologist interested in the evolution of social complexity. In my research, I combine observational methods and field-based experiments with emerging remote sensing technology, to reveal how group-living animals overcome conflicts of interest to achieve shared goals. I am particularly interested in how group-level traits emerge and the ways in which they shape the collective ecology of animals’ societies.
• Collective movement • Decision-making • Intergroup competition • Animal culture • Tool use • Social Foraging
Prof. Dr. Barbara Fruth
Group LeaderIMPRS Board Member
IMPRS Faculty
IMPRS Spokesperson
I am a behavioural ecologist and evolutionary anthropologist, interested in bonobo social behaviour, their ecological constraints, their role within the ecosystem, and their life history. One of my foci is their food repertoire ranging from items ingested for nutritional to those used for medicinal purpose. For this, I follow an interdisciplinary approach integrating herbaria, analyses of plant’s phytochemical and pharmacological properties, and their effect on growth, health and fitness of individual bonobos.
• Nutritional Ecology • Conservation • Life history • Community Ecology • Bonobos
PhD Student Representatives
Dr. Emily Grout
IMPRS AlumniIMPRS Student Representative
I am a behavioural ecologist, interested in communication in social mammals. Collaring white-nosed coatis living in Panama, I collect audio, high-resolution accelerometer and GPS data to assemble a call repertoire in combination with observed behaviours. I study the resulting effects of vocalisations on group cohesion, dynamics and movement, and the influence of environmental variation on mechanisms used in communication.
Communication & Collective Movement • Food For Thought • Coatis