What you can expect
IMPRS-QBEE intends to equip doctoral students with expertise to excel in both, the lab and in the field – fostering international collaborations and supporting themselves, peers and staff, at the field site. Mentoring by supervisors, by Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) members and interested Post-Doc’s from our research groups is to encourage them to tap into their creativity within existing ethical frameworks, to see their work in the field and within the research school community as giving and receiving. Through this, our doctoral students will benefit from first-class support in networking and career decisions and of course obtain scientific input as well as participate in curricular activities offered by the IMPRS-QBEE program. We will not only provide opportunities for our doctoral students of becoming mentors in their final year(s) to junior fellows, MSc/BSc students but we plan to offer certification to Post-Doc’s that have committed their time to our doctoral students in the form of a certificate of their time and efforts as growing mentors and next generation supervisors.