What you receive

Usually, all IMPRS-QBEE doctoral students are enrolled at the Universität Konstanz. The graduation criteria of the University, as laid down in the doctoral regulations in department of Biology (Promotionsordnung Biologie), are therefore applied to their full extent. However, foreign students may choose whether to graduate at the Universität Konstanz or at their home universities, if they have recently moved to Konstanz with their supervisor, and are planning to join the IMPRS (only possible within their first year of doctorate). It is also the Universität Konstanz who awards the degree title (Dr. rer. nat.) Doctor of Natural Sciences (German doctorate which corresponds to an American PhD) upon successful completion of the doctorate.
Successful completion of the IMPRS-QBEE program will be documented on an official doctoral certificate and supplement.
This competitive doctoral program shall provide its doctoral students with an excellent starting platform for a successful career in the fields of animal behaviour, ecology, evolution, physiology, neurobiology and beyond.