Bridge Funding

Bridge funding is another form of support available from the IMPRS-QBEE for our doctoral studenty only.
The IMPRS bridge funding aims to enable IMPRS doctoral students without funding to finish their doctoral project. The IMPRS funding may be approved upon application for a maximum of 6 months and only covers salary (contract based on TVöD 13, 65%) but no travel, fees, equipment. This additional funding through IMPRS will only be possible after the 3rd year, preferably during the 4th year. Applications should be submitted to the IMPRS coordinator, ideally three months before the start of the requested funding period.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE-call deadlines 15thof May and 15th of September.
- application form,
- statement from supervisor on why they cannot assume the requested funding,
- academic CV of the doctoral student, including info on residence status – (do you require a visa to stay in Germany?)
- family status, for IMPRS students that have special circumstances such as having started a family, or needs to support an elderly or ill person, especial priority for funding is available,
- an explanation by the doctoral candidate on why they need the funding and how they plan to finish within the requested period,
- copies of the TAC meeting minutes specifying the development of the project and financial schedule and, when required, respective actions. Reasons for potential non-fulfillment of the TAC meeting requirements should be explained and argued by the applicant.
There are two calls for the funding each year. Any non-awarded funds will be transferred to the following year’s budget.
The IMPRS board will evaluate all applications within each call, based on the criteria scheme. To apply for the IMPRS funding see application form and apply accordingly.
The application will be checked for eligibility by the coordinator.
Other forms of IMPRS funding exist, such as top-up support for those students that receive a scholarship. Please contact the coordinator if your supervisor is unable to support you in this regard, priority is provided to direct supervisors that are junior IMPRS faculty members.
The average score of all the board members will be the score used to distribute the funding. These scores will not be released to the student body.