Prof. Dr. Damien Farine

Affiliated Scientist
IMPRS Faculty Alumni
Department of Collective Behavior
University of Zurich & Australian National University

Main Focus

My research aims to understand how individuals navigate their social landscape and how, in turn, social life impacts the interactions between individuals’ physiology and their ecological environment. I combine advanced analytical and data collection techniques that allow us to scale up from the interactions among individuals to emergent population-level patterns and processes. I apply this approach to long-term studies in both captive and wild empirical systems allowing us to link fine-scale moment-by-moment decisions of individuals to long-term consequences. I aim to understand how individuals navigate their social landscape and how, in turn, social life impacts the interactions between individuals’ physiology and their ecological environment. I combine advanced analytical and data collection techniques that allow us to scale up from the interactions among individuals to emergent population-level patterns and processes. I apply this approach to long-term studies in both captive and wild empirical systems allowing us to link fine-scale moment-by-moment decisions of individuals to long-term consequences.

Curriculum Vitae


Eccellenza Professor, University of Zurich


University of Oxford

University of California Davis

Max Planck Institute for Ornithology

Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior

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