Home Apply Past Doctoral Projects Doctoral Projects 2022 Apply for the IMPRS How to apply Doctoral Projects FAQ Overview of Doctoral Projects for 2022 NEW: Collective Cognition Across Scales of Biological Organisation Supervisor: Iain Couzin [more] NEW: Collective behaviour of heterogenous nematode groups Supervisor: Dr. Serena Ding [more] NEW: Cognition and curiosity in wild orangutans Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Schuppli [more] NEW: The algorithmic basis of pattern recognition in insect pollinators Supervisor: Anna Stöckl [more] Neural basis of sensory integration and decision-making in zebrafish Keywords: Zebrafish, animal behavior, decision-making, two-photon calcium imaging, electrophysiology.Main Advisor: Armin Bahl [more] Neurobiology and collective behaviour, Sensory integration and decision making in insect groups Supervisor: Dr. Einat Couzin-Fuchs [more] Feedbacks between the social environment and group sleep in wild baboons Supervisor: Dr. Meg Crofoot [more] Collective dynamics of sleep in wild baboons Supervisor: Dr. Meg Crofoot [more] Follow the leader—propagation and resolution of incomplete social cues in insects Supervisor: Dr. James Foster [more] Communication and collective action in spotted hyenas Supervisor: Dr. Strandburg-Peshkin [more] Social sampling of airflows in competitive soaring flight Supervisor: Dr. Hannah Williams [more] Optimal Movement Theory: The economy of decision-making in animal movement Supervisor: Dr. Hannah Williams [more]