Understanding social dynamics of humans and nonhuman animals using cutting-edge tracking technologies and comparative cognitive approach
Supervisor: Kano Fumihiro, University of Konstanz

Kano's research group aims to understand dynamics of social interaction in both humans and nonhuman animals using cutting-edge tracking technologies including large motion-capture systems (the Imaging Barn/Hangar), gaze-tracking (wearable eye-trackers) and computer vision techniques (multi-array cameras and drone). More specifically, our goal is to identify key interactive components among individuals, as well as key cognitive and emotional traits of individuals, that lead to successful synchronization and joint action of a collective. To achieve this, we rely on cutting-edge technologies to track fine details of postures and eye/head directions of animals/humans during social interactions, and comparative cognitive approach to gain insight into their mental processes. My group will work with multiple species, including birds (pigeons and crows), primates (great apes and monkeys), and human adults and target various collective behaviour, including team cooperation (in humans), vigilance (in pigeons), and collective foraging (in all animals). A series of these studies will lead to quantitative understanding about dynamics of social interaction in naturalistic real-life social interaction across species and establishment of posture-tracking methods across species (not only model species) and across behavioural contexts (not only under controlled lab conditions).
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